Clear Seeing- The ability to see a picture or image within your mind’s eye, not your physical eyes. Although some mediums have the ability to see spirits with their naked eye it is considered a rare gift. Most see within the mind and people often write it off as a figment of the imagination.
A clairvoyant exercise
Grab a small object like a stuffed animal or a photograph. Try to put yourself in a place where you will not have distractions or be disturbed. Take three deep breaths and then study the object for a good 1-2 minutes. After doing this, close your eyes and visualize the object. Try to recall as many details possible. Eventually, you will want to recall as many specific details as possible.
As you work on developing your clairvoyant abilities, images can start out as fuzzy, hazy or non specific. Exercising the mind can only help you develop your abilities further.