Cutting Energetic Cords: Best Practices and pitfalls
You may already be familiar with energetic cords and how they connect us to people and places. However, it’s important to remember that these cords are also meant to teach us valuable lessons. Many of us, myself included, can be eager to cut these cords in an attempt to avoid the intensity of our emotions. What we often don’t realize is that rushing this process can lead to an energetic backlash, making the situation even more complicated.
Cutting an energetic cord affects both parties involved. This is why you may find that someone you’ve disconnected from suddenly reaches out to you. The act of severing the cord can trigger something within their energy, especially if your connection was nurturing for them. While some individuals might seem like energy vampires, the dynamics are often more complex.
Yes, there are people who draw on the positive energy of others because they have little within themselves. However, many connections involve mutual energy exchange. For instance, couples who have been together for a long time often start to mirror each other’s behaviors and thoughts—this reflects a deep energetic link.
Here are some situations when you should not cut an energetic cord:
Following an argument: While you may eventually want to sever the connection, it’s best to allow the energy of the argument to settle before taking action.
After a recent breakup or heartbreak: Similar to arguments, the energy surrounding heartbreak needs time to be mourned and processed. Cutting the cord too soon can negatively impact both your energy and that of others involved, particularly if children are part of the equation.
In an "on again, off again" relationship: Cutting a cord signifies a definitive end to the relationship. If you have intentions of reconnecting or hope for reconciliation, it’s wise to wait. The back-and-forth dynamic does not support cord cutting and can lead to further complications.
While it's possible to cut cords on your own, working with someone who understands energy and cord attachments can provide invaluable guidance. They can help direct you through the process, ensuring that your cord-cutting experience is as effective and supportive as possible.
If you choose to attempt cord cutting on your own, here are some steps to help you proceed effectively:
Begin by cleansing your energy and ensuring that you are grounded. This foundational step will assist you in accurately assessing where the energetic cords are located.
Next, take a few deep, cleansing breaths to center yourself and your energy.
With the person you wish to cut cords with in mind, take a moment to scan your energy field. Start at your root chakra and work your way up to your crown chakra. As you move through each of the seven chakras, pay attention to any sensations related to the person's energy. You may feel a pause or a slight tug; this experience will vary for each individual, as we all perceive energy differently.
Once you’ve scanned your chakras and located the cords, take note of their characteristics. Are they thin or thick? Do they have a particular color?
Intuitively tune into each cord and ask whether it is ready to be cut. Some cords may communicate that they are ready, while others may indicate that they still hold lessons for you to learn.
When you identify a cord that is ready to be severed, focus your intention on it. Call upon Archangel Michael for assistance in cutting this cord, or, if you prefer, seek help from your spirit team. Visualize yourself cutting through the cord or cords in any way that feels right—whether using scissors, a sword, or an ax.
It’s crucial to infuse the cord-cutting process with loving energy. If bitterness or resentment colors your intention, it can cause that energy to linger and even fester. Remember that love energy heals all parties involved. Also, please remember to hydrate yourself in support of your energy.